Between :
Here after named the client (customer):
Mrs. Sylvie Guérin also named as the brand YOU AND ME GUERIN, registered in France as company SIRET number 788 600 633 000 10,
holding the VTC business card, registered in MEDDE, registered as VTC vehicle No. EVTC083140053 and ensured by SOLLYAZAR insurance company,
Here after named the provider
It has been stated the following:
The provider delivers VTC business services,
The customer declares having received from Ms. Guerin, all the necessary information about the chosen delivery, price, according to estimation provided by the provider and accepted by the customer.
The price includes vehicle delivery driver, insurance for passengers, fuel, tolls and parking fees.
This contract applies for the time of service delivered (from starting adress to the end adress)
In the case the customer asks to extend the intervention of the provider, a new contract will be signed by the parties.
In the case the customer asks to change the original route, the service provider must write the new destination on the mission document and the modifications will be charged additionally the initial price as "other complementary suggestions"
the invoice issued by the service provider will be paid at the end of the service delivery.
Any unpaid invoice within a month will result in the application of default interest at the rate of one and half times the legal interest. Penalties for late payment are due without any reminder (Act No. 2001-420 of 15 may 2001 Article 53-1)
In the case the provider is asked to respond to customer demands, changing route or destination will be charged in addition to the initial price.
The provider agrees delivered the services required by the customer in the best way and to bring all his attention to quality.
By express agreement, this obligation is an obligation of result.
The client will manage to provide all the necessary information to the provider to allow him deliver the required service.
The provider agrees to notify the customer of any event that may interfere on the right delivery of service.
To apply this, the customer, will provide all details as starting adress, destination adress, booking date and time, delivery ​date and time, the number of passengers and luggage.
Any dispute of this contract will be brought to the local court at contract execution place.
Any order sent to YOU ​​AND ME GUERIN implies acceptance:
the customer will date and sign all the documents listed above.
Failure of any party to his obligations listed in this contract will result the automatic cancellation of this contract and without prejudice to any damages.
IMPORTANT: All voucher sent through this website implies full acceptance of this sales agreement.